For the developed world is to continue onward with a high quality of life, and bring the entire human race forward into modernity, a new paradigm of systems and consumables must be implemented. The efficiency of new and existing systems for modern and evolved human living must be structured according to the principals inherent in nature and architected on existing biological systems. In pristine natural environments, noting is wasted in any life cycle. From micro-organisms to flora to fauna all things have a interrelation: whether that is competitive, collaborative, predatory or symbiotic. Nature knows no waste.
Humankind, however, has involved itself and spread beyond its natural balance in all ecosystems planet wide. It has dominated the biosphere, over populated, over consumed, crushed the biodiversity necessary for continued evolution, predatorily manipulated resources and replaced naturally occurring balanced systems with monocultures that continue to produce waste and imbalance for the very same biosphere environment that we need to continue as a species.
As population concerns are likely to continue, the requisite clamoring for development and improved standards of living are unlikely to change. This situation creates an interesting conundrum for economics and governance. How are these increasing pressures addressed under the circumstances of increased demand, deteriorating environmental conditions, and diminishing resource availability?
The answer is bio-mimicry: we need to examine nature's profundity, frugality, its utilization of closed and open systems, zero waste reality, cradle to cradle life cycles, its predation, collaboration, competition, and symbiosis etc, to create truly cradle to cradle systems of consumption, societal architecture, and personal conduct.
We exist because of the evolution of this model, but like any dangerous highly mutable virus, we are expanding beyond the ability of the host to bear us further. For the sake humanity and our planet, let's hope we consciously correct our conduct and find our balance in nature again. The alternative is that nature does it for us, like all other times in our home's history, and largely executed via extinction. What goes around comes around.
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