
Neuter the Lobbyists:

So SocietyProforma's (SP) first topic for the launch of this blog will be Lobby reform in the beltway, and across America.
The above link (embedded in the Title) is to an Article from today's Sunlight Foundation blog, regarding Lobbyists trying to circumvent the rule of law to push for stimulus money from the federal government. 
Well to put it plainly (and to state the absurdly obvious): monied interests invariably corrupt personages in positions of power, and Washington DC's history of avoiding such temptations is abysmal. 
Allowing these components to continue sharing the same environment together is completely unacceptable. We, as voters, have allowed a viscerally horrid mixture that needs to be completely eliminated from the steps to the arenas of policy creation. Now as voters we need to act to sterilize Washington DC.
The Lobbyists in Washington have taken the place of the voices of the American people with our legislators and federal administrators. 
Lobbyists would seem, to a lay-person, to be an anachronism in the era of telecommunications & the internet, because constituents can directly communicate their intentions and opinions on legislative matters directly to their representation.
Further, corporations and assorted special interest groups should rally their consensus through the electorate they represent, not through the dinners, galas, and fundraisers that their dollars can purchase. This way their view points can be accurately weighed in relation to the rest of the citizenry. 
As it stands now, allowing lobbying money and organizations to exert undo influence has produced lop sided, failed policy that affects many but serves few.
We citizens need to work HARD to eliminate lobbying from Washington, and make our legislators work to accumulate the true consensus of their electors. And that work starts with a grass roots effort directed specifically at POTUS, and our congressional "leaders". 
Now Get To Work!

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